23 March 2006

Nota bene: Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz

The Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, is a holdout.

He's the last bishop in the United States to maintain that only men and boys can serve at the altar during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington, VA, recently lifted the ban on "altargirls" in his diocese. The ramparts fell there, making Bruskewitz the last of the holdouts. God bless him for his steadfastness in fidelity to the heart and mind of the Church.

USA Today reported that "Bruskewitz, whose diocese includes 136 churches and 89,412 members around Nebraska's state capital, believes having only boys at the altar helps recruit them to become priests." The facts support that claim, as Lincoln is exploding with priestly vocations. Other dioceses are wringing their hands in worry as they see a largely graying presbyterate and mediocre seminary numbers. Certainly there are many reasons why Lincoln is prospering in vocations, but this policy is surely one of them.

I guess Lincoln won't be seeing one of those de-facto "Women in Albs" ministries that have become so prevalent in other dioceses!

Bruskewitz is a fine example for other bishops to emulate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need more bishops like him. Patience. The wet noodle ones are a dying breed, thankfully.