09 March 2006

Spucatum tauri: Are you sure?

Well, in a fine use of resources the American Medical Association has come out with findings that suggest a typical spring break might not be the wisest or healthiest course for young women to take. Why a study was necessary is the bigger story. Apparently, saying "what happens on spring break, stays on spring break" led the AMA to doubt that anything was happening. Good thing they spent money on a survey. They might be using the time to explore cures for genetic cancers or looking at the rise in formerly eradicated childhood illnesses, not wasting their breath on a bunch of spoiled college kids who might not run into any problems (ok, they probably will), but if they do, um, experience is a harsh, though excellent teacher. Who knows,they might learn. If they don't, they are fools. And why waste the time?

We recommend an alternative -- do something for someone else and prove that all college kids are not snotty brats wasting dad's money on some debauched sandy playground.

Try Habitat for Humanity!
The question of interest is this: most of these kids probably are spending their parents money. Why do the parents pay for them to indulge all their appetites in such a manner? Oh, maybe it is because a lot of these parents are sixties/seventies kids. They did the same things throughout college (b/c they didn't have to work) and then set a great example in the coked out "me" years of the eighties...and crazy, crazy thought -- look what their kids started doing in the nineties and continue until today. Sins of the father?

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