PETA Attempts Ultimate Mockery
Holocaust insinuations and slavery comparisons apparently were not enough. This year, a PETA chapter in Vienna plans to stage a crucifixion of three animal mask wearing activists.
"We suffer and die for your sins of nourishment," is their slogan.
They will attempt this outside St. Stephan's Cathedral, on Good Friday.
The People's Party, which is quite conservative, denounced this as a "mockery of a religious community on one of the most important days of the Christians," and concluded that "the action would be more blasphemy than animal protection."
The Archdiocese of Vienna firmly declared,"It's a completely unacceptable falsification of the religious dimension of Good Friday." Furthermore he hinted that "The square outside the cathedral was a 'sensitive' place where not anything could be permitted to happen."
Plans for a crucified lamb billboard in Sydney were rejected.
Should those activists complete their plans, no animal mask will hide them from the sight of God. They mock the death of His Son. Woe unto them.
To equate scriptural passages with a political agenda equals blasphemy.
PETA no doubt has many good intentioned folk. Those who do well to remember the Bible's teachings on cruelty to animals.
Nevertheless, most members miss the mark. They place animal "rights" over human life (ask them to choose between medical testing on animals or human death), they forget that animals do not have a soul, and they would place animals above the economic well-being of humans. Humans are set apart from the rest of creation and are to be in dominion over it. Animals are in subjection to humans, to be used in labour, or for food. And this is a result of the fall, man sinned and all creation "groans" under the curse.
For those who will try this Good Friday stunt we say, beware.
Your actions place you in Circle Five, reserved for the wrathful and sullen. Theirs is righteous anger, but instead of concern over sin, murder (what if half the energy of saving animals from a variety of real and perceived cruelties was directed at an undeniable cruelty, namely, abortion), and other human injustices, PETA focuses on all the wrong aspects and gets quite worked up over it.
"Sotto 'l velame de li versi strani" or "under the veil of the strange verses" describe the denizens here.
Holocaust insinuations and slavery comparisons apparently were not enough. This year, a PETA chapter in Vienna plans to stage a crucifixion of three animal mask wearing activists.
"We suffer and die for your sins of nourishment," is their slogan.
They will attempt this outside St. Stephan's Cathedral, on Good Friday.
The People's Party, which is quite conservative, denounced this as a "mockery of a religious community on one of the most important days of the Christians," and concluded that "the action would be more blasphemy than animal protection."
The Archdiocese of Vienna firmly declared,"It's a completely unacceptable falsification of the religious dimension of Good Friday." Furthermore he hinted that "The square outside the cathedral was a 'sensitive' place where not anything could be permitted to happen."
Plans for a crucified lamb billboard in Sydney were rejected.
Should those activists complete their plans, no animal mask will hide them from the sight of God. They mock the death of His Son. Woe unto them.
To equate scriptural passages with a political agenda equals blasphemy.
PETA no doubt has many good intentioned folk. Those who do well to remember the Bible's teachings on cruelty to animals.
Nevertheless, most members miss the mark. They place animal "rights" over human life (ask them to choose between medical testing on animals or human death), they forget that animals do not have a soul, and they would place animals above the economic well-being of humans. Humans are set apart from the rest of creation and are to be in dominion over it. Animals are in subjection to humans, to be used in labour, or for food. And this is a result of the fall, man sinned and all creation "groans" under the curse.
For those who will try this Good Friday stunt we say, beware.
Your actions place you in Circle Five, reserved for the wrathful and sullen. Theirs is righteous anger, but instead of concern over sin, murder (what if half the energy of saving animals from a variety of real and perceived cruelties was directed at an undeniable cruelty, namely, abortion), and other human injustices, PETA focuses on all the wrong aspects and gets quite worked up over it.
"Sotto 'l velame de li versi strani" or "under the veil of the strange verses" describe the denizens here.
Another respite will be endured in Circle Seven, among the blasphemers. No mockery of the Cross can, without repentance and faith in the very object (Christ) they mock, lead anywhere else.
Some may even fall into Circle Eight with the falsifiers and practicioners of fraudelent rhetoric.
"Ed elli avea del cul fatto trombetta" or "and of his ass he had made a trumpet" is a fitting description for many of PETA's protesting hordes.
A Real Class Act!
I hope you're not talking about PETA ;)
I am, with the same sarcasm and irony Tacitus was so very fond of.
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