Sharon Dijksma, a prominent member of the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) wants to penalize educated stay-at-home women. "A highly-educated woman who chooses to stay at home and not to work – that is destruction of capital," she said in an interview. "If you receive the benefit of an expensive education at society’s expense, you should not be allowed to throw away that knowledge unpunished."
Knowledge that isn't put to use in the workforce is thrown away? How about women who stay at home to care for their children? Would Dijksma (how the hell do you pronounce that, anyway?) prefer that such women be uneducated? How about women who work hard to keep a home for their family?
According to The Brussels Journal article linked above, "Dijksma explains that her proposal is a logical consequence of the Dutch system of subsidizing students. Society finances their studies with government scholarships, hence it is only normal that they pursue a professional career or repay. 'If someone chooses not to work, then there should be a substantial repayment,'" she said.
"Dijksma says she wants to stimulate more women to join the work force." Good choice of words. Here's an idea for the reimbursement program's motto: "Work Makes You(r Education) Free".
We wait with giddy anticipation for Europe to use this sort of progressive and forward-thinking approach in health care. After all, government pays for that, and what's the point in having Big Brother heal what ails ya' if you're not going to contribute to the economy? Better yet, why not apply this to Public Works such as roads, utilities, and sewers? Let the freeloaders provide their own oil lanterns and crappers, I say.
Economic history makes it pretty clear that socialism doesn't exactly pave the road to prosperity, but if you're going to provide "free" (chuckle) schooling to your citizenry in the name of universal education, shouldn't it be, well, actually universal?
Ultimately, in the grand scheme of Dutch lunacy, this education proposal is relatively tame. It's just one more thing that makes us shake our heads in frightened wonder as Europe continues to sqander the patrimony of Western Civilization.
The blessings of Europe's Tolerant and Inclusive Socialism are indeed without number, unless of course you're an educated woman (or a handicapped or terminally-ill child, for that matter).
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