The Chronicle continues not with a particular person, but a group whose name provokes laughter. Imagine an organization called "Catholics against the Trinity" or "Catholics Opposed to the Resurrection." To some, myself included, it would be high comedy. Well, that's just what we have with "Catholics for a Free Choice."Let's begin with their mission:"CFFC shapes and advances sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to women's well being and respect, and affirm the moral capacity of women and men to make sound decisions about their lives."
Funny, I don't see anything there about Catholic teaching. I guess we'll have to keep reading."Through discourse, education and advocacy, CFFC works in the US and internationally to infuse these values into public policy, community life and Catholic social thinking and teaching."
Oh, there it is. I was wondering when the word 'Catholic' would come up. Though I'm sure it's but an oversight, they reference no Scripture, no Church Fathers, no theologians, nothing exaplaining how theirs is a truly Catholic identity. We'll have to keep searching.Browsing through the website, I'm not sure where to go. Could it be here:
No, I don't think so. Perhaps we'll look in the bio of the organization's fearless leader, Frances Kissling [sic]. "From her work with reproductive health and abortion clinics in the 1970s to her leadership in the feminist religious and international reproductive health movements, Ms. Kissling has been at the forefront of efforts to improve women’s lives."
Ah, this is good stuff. Frances has been helping women improve their lives through the murder of their children and sterilization. But I'm still looking for something Catholic. Tilting at windmills, perhaps, but my quest continues.
"Called the 'philosopher of the prochoice movement', and 'an exceedingly intelligent and articulate Catholic who has been unfairly demonized by some who disagree with her views', Ms. Kissling has also been the focus of news reports, demonstrating (and being arrested) at the Vatican embassy in Washington, DC, and providing a dissident's commentary during bishops' conferences and papal visits."
Truly, these activities form the backbone of a faithful Catholic life. She's a model worth emulating.This is how Catholics for a Free Choice justifies dissent:"Over a billion people world wide identify as Catholics. While united through sacramental bonds especially through baptism and the eucharist, these Catholics interpret various teachings of the church in different ways. In this they are no different than early Christians, such as Peter and Paul, who fought vigorously about many matters of faith and morals. Good and faithful Catholics disagree on almost every issue that confronts us in the modern world, from the death penalty and nuclear war to how to end poverty and certainly on questions of personal morality...In recent years, conflicting views of what it means to be Catholic have been dominant in not only the media but among Catholics themselves."
An organization beaming with Catholicism, most definitely. Their website's even equipped with a handy-dandy library of dissenting tracts on Canon Law and sundry other issues.Catholics for a Free Choice and all who claim allegiance will be scattered througout Circles Eight (Fraud) and Nine (Treachery). They faslely represent Catholic teaching on matters of life and human sexuality, and they betray the very Church to which they boast of belonging. Many souls have been led astray by CCFC's words and deeds.