Because their stupidity knows no bounds, neither must our efforts to ridicule them. That's why we're launching a new category of assault: "Of his ass he made a trumpet" (Dante's Inferno, 21.139). Fans of Chronicle of the Damned and Spucatum Tauri will surely relish this addition as we use miscreants' own words to illustrate their monumental foolishness.____________________________________________
"I am absolutely convinced that the North Koreans are absolutely sincere. There’s really no reason for them to cheat [on nukes]....I looked them right in the eyes. And they looked like they meant the truth. I mean, you know, just because somebody’s done something wrong in the past doesn’t mean they can’t do right in the future or the present. That happens all the, all the time. I didn’t get to meet him [Kim Jong-Il], but he didn’t look — in the pictures that I’ve seen of him on CNN, he didn’t look too much different than most other people I’ve met. I saw a lot of people over there. They were thin and they were riding bicycles instead of driving in cars. I didn’t see any brutality"
-Ted Turner, from an interview with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, 9/19/05