"I mean to live my life an obedient man, but obedient to God, subservient to the wisdom of my ancestors; never to the authority of political truths arrived at yesterday at the voting booth."
—William F. Buckley Jr. (1925- )
"Murder. Rape. Bestiality. The destruction of the nation. It's terrible to even think about these things, and civil rights for gay and lesbian people are in the very same list of evils. It's enough to frighten anyone - until the rhetoric is exposed under the revealing light of truth."
Sodomy. Deviation. Perversion. The destruction of the nation. Look at Greece. Look at Rome. Look at America. "until the rhetoric is exposed.....truth." Well, what is the revealing light of truth??? Christian Alliance does not say. Because there is nothing to say.
Christian Alliance strongly believes that sexual perversion and sin are gifts. God's uniqueness working itself out in the lives of those who practice such things. No theological evidence, no Scriptural teaching, nothing in the Bible supports this. It is, a lie of the devil, embraced by those who would not call sin, sin. Damnation awaits.
Stated goal
"We believe all these values were central to the life and wisdom of Jesus. He came to teach us and show us how to live in a way that would bring the beloved community, the kingdom of God here on earth. The beloved community was so important to Jesus that he worked to establish it despite the clear risk to his own life. Living these values requires hard work. But it is in living values out that the beloved community, the kingdom of God, is established. The result of it is called Shalom, the well-being and wholeness of all. This is what the word "Peace" means. And, it is our most closely held dream and hope for the world."
This seems at odds with "my kingdom is not of this world" and "I come to bring a sword" and "take up your cross" and "the world will hate you for My name's sake." Christian Alliance has fallen into the oldest lie, "you can become like gods" that is, you can create a heaven on earth. The Enlightenment tried this. Revolutions and regimes tried this to the cost of hundreds of millions of lives. Social Darwinists, social gospel, scientific methods of regulating society, and so on tried. All failed. What happened to the Christian acting as salt and light on this earth but seeking to advance the kingdom of heaven?
A strong and bitter dose of Biblical theology, orthodox teaching, and discipline might improve their vision. But one is tempted to remember the words found in Romans 1:18-28. Verse 32 offers their end: "Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Being an organization, Christian Alliance for Progress has their corporate headquarters in Circle Six, reserved for heretics. In seeking a kingdom on earth, they pay no heed to the soul's eternal destination. This hints at a denial of immortality. "Who make the soul die with the body," Dante places in this circle.
Branch offices and individuals affiliated with this organization will reside in Circle Seven, reserved for the blasphemers, murderers, and sodomites, and Circle Eight, reserved for falsifiers, sowers of division, and those practicing fraudulent rhetoric.