If you missed it, Hollywood outdid themselves in banalities. Montage after montage of film clips, purportedly demonstrations of social consciousness, and other liberal fluff wearied the viewer. And how often do you need to tell the national audience, that is going to inject a much needed cash flow into the industry after Oscar movies come out for home viewing, "Don't buy DVD's" "They're bad -- pay $10 to sit in a theater and watch the crap instead!!!"
In an apparent oversight, no one remembered to say hello or even give a "shout out" to the troops. While celebs congratulate themselves on bravery, troops wonder if the next drive down the road will be their last.
Adrian Brody remembered a Marine friend from the old neighborhood a couple years back, but since then I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of anyone else.
Perhaps I'm too harsh. Is it their fault if they don't know anyone at all who is in the service? I mean, think back to those who didn't know anyone who voted for Nixon, or Reagan. "Out of touch." Slightly! And not to the great good that Clooney imagines. But we hope, to a great demise.
Too bad the street wasn't a bit busier.
No kidding.
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