From Andrew Stuttaford, National Review Online:
"Yes, this is an old topic, but it’s still a point worth making: Via the Media Research Center: 'On Monday, for the second straight weekday, Access Hollywood's New York correspondent, Tim Vincent… sported a hammer and sickle T-shirt as he introduced a story.'
Now, this doesn’t make Tim Vincent Joe Stalin, and nor does it mean that NBC is run by Bolsheviks, but it’s yet another reminder of the way that the atrocities of Communism somehow seem to count for less than those of other mass-murderers.
Put it another way: would Tim Vincent have appeared on Access Hollywood sporting a swastika?"
Editor's note: Additional options include the Chinese flag, Che Guevara, Zapatista Revolution, and anything Pro-Palestine (pro terror) or anti-Zionist (Jew/Israel). In fact, your choices also include anything anti-American or the very fashionable, anti-Bush. This last choice has demonstrated amazing staying power, remaining in vogue for six years straight.
From our research though, a few symbolic icons are not appropriate. As mentioned above, avoid the swastika. (We heartily agree, by the way, we just don't understand how a regime that kills under 10 million is worse than those that kill close to 100 million)
Others to avoid (and we heartily dissent) - the Israeli flag, certainly the American flag, any non-cute, non-ironic, non-sarcastic shows of support for our fighting men and women. And anything with a real sensible message (pro-life, pro-gun, pro-intelligence).
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